Environmental Program
Conservation Program Cooperator
Work: (808) 448-4913
DSN: 315-448-4913
CSU Cooperator CEMML, USAF
Work: (808) 448-4913
DSN: 315-448-4913
Emma Beard
CSU CEMML Cooperator
Wildlife Management and Restoration Technician
Work: (808) 448-4913
DSN: 315-448-4913
History of Beach Erosion:
The fine white sandy beaches at Bellows Air Force Station (BAFS) are receding. Northern beach sections are already gone and a U.S. Geological Survey has reported losses of up to a foot (30 cm) per year for other parts of the BAFS shoreline. Dune restoration efforts have significantly slowed beach erosion.
515 Tinker Road
Waimanalo, HI
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Kadena and BAFS environmental experts actively work with regulatory agencies and the community in a spirit of cooperation and commitment to ensure that BAFS accomplishes its mission without harming the environment.
To effectively accomplish its mission, Kadena and BAFS Environmental Program Managers have adopted an approach that provides expert services in all areas of environmental support. Appropriate personnel are consulted during the planning and implementation stages of all construction projects on BAFS.
Three main areas of environmental service and support are provided through the Kadena and BAFS Environmental Program Managers.
These include:
Compliance: Manages air quality, water quality, hazardous material, hazardous and universal waste, above-ground and underground storage tanks, and special programs (polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, and lead-based paint). Assists base organizations with selecting, designing, and installing low emissions equipment and applying for and maintaining permits. The goal of compliance is to meet and satisfy all applicable environmental laws, statutes, and regulations. Compliance also develops processes to minimize the use of hazardous material, minimize the generation of hazardous wastes, reduce solid waste going to the landfill, and promote reuse and recycling programs.
Conservation: Provides environmental analysis for construction projects. Also manages protecting and preserving natural resources and cultural and historic sites on BAFS.
Cultural Resources: Bellows AFS has legal and regulatory responsibilities for managing cultural resources (including historic buildings, structures, sites, districts, and Traditional Cultural Properties), and related concerns. Bellows AFS utilizes standard operating procedures (SOPs) within the Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) that help to manage or preserve the cultural resources of Bellows within the context of the mission. A few key federal laws are Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA). Bellows AFS partners with Waimānalo community members and Native Hawaiian Organizations to support and inform the preservation and management of these sensitive cultural resources.
Water Quality: We feel it is important that our visitors understand where our water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to requirements set by regulatory agencies. The reports are a snapshot of our water quality.
While Waimanalo/Puha Stream is on Marine Corps Training Area Bellows (MCTAB), based on community feedback we’d like to share the following water quality documents from the Hawaii State Department of Health Clean Water Branch for Waimanalo Stream: