
Please read the eligibility requirements. By making a reservation, you verify that you are an eligible patron of Bellows Air Force Station.

Our online reservations system will not be functional until further notice. Reservations must be made by phone, and wait times are longer than expected. We are working on getting the system back up and running. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.

Mon – Fri • 8:30 am – 6:30 pm HST excluding federal holidays
Cabin, Condo, Campsite, Conference Room reservations
(808) 259-8080

Who is eligible?

Eligible patrons of Bellows AFS are:

  • Active duty United States military personnel (Air Force, Army, Navy, USMC, Coast Guard)
  • Military retirees
  • Reservists
  • National Guard
  • Current DoD civilian employees (Air Force, Army, Navy, USMC, Coast Guard) and their family members with an authorized ID card.
  • Retired DoD civilian employees (must have SF 50 to show eligibility)
  • Disabled veterans with a VA Health Identification Card: IAW DoDM-5200.08 Volume 3, AFMAN 31-101 Volume 3, Installation Perimeter Access Control, Veteran Health ID Card Holders will adhere by the following:

       VHIC Card Holders:

    • Will be 100% ID checked
      – Registered in DBIDS
      – Identity proofed and must pass fitness determination.
    • VHIC must have listed:
      – Service Connected
      – Purple Heart
      – Former Prisoner of War (POW)
    • Required to present another form of official government/state ID/passport in conjunction with VHIC.
    • Allowed 5 accompanying individuals
      – Trusted Traveler privilege is not authorized for VHIC holders.
      – Special Functions Agreements are not authorized for VHIC holders.
      – Accompanying individuals must have a valid government/state ID/passport
      – Will be identify-proofed and must pass fitness determination
      – Will be issued an AF Form 75, Visitors Pass

      Veteran Caregivers:

    • Must have a Veterans Affairs Caregiver letter
    • Will be identity-proofed and must pass fitness determination
    • Will be registered in DBIDS
    • Allowed 5 accompanying individuals
      – Individuals will be registered in DBIDS
      – Accompanying persons 18+ will be identity proofed and must pass fitness determination

Gold Star Family Survivors Program

Bellows AFS is honored to host the Gold Star Family Survivors Program. The program includes a preferential reservation period and discounts.

The Gold Star Family Survivors Program is for eligible Family members who have suffered a loss of an Active Duty sponsor regardless of the cause. A DD Form 1173 with “AD” in the Sponsor Service/Status field in combination with “DB” (Death Beneficiary) or CH (Child Beneficiary) in the Relationship field on the identification cards.

The Gold Star Family Survivors Program preferential reservations period allows for Gold Star Families to make reservations 2 years in advance regardless of season.

The Gold Star Family Survivors Program provides a 50 percent discount from normal room rates by applicable rate category. The discount applies to additional occupants and up to two guest rooms. Survivors’ Family discount requires the Survivors’ Family Member with a military identification card to make/confirm reservations and be the primary occupant.

The Gold Star Family Survivors Program extends to sponsored guests accompanying the Survivors’ Family Member with a DD Form 1173. Stays under the Gold Star Family Survivors Program are limited to a maximum of 21 nights in duration. Discounts are applicable on guest room(s) only, cannot be combined with any other offer, and may be limited to certain locations and time periods at the discretion of the Station Commander.

For more info about Gold Star Survivors, please visit https://www.army.mil/goldstar/

Bellows AFS ID Card Policy Update

Personnel with expired IDs WILL NOT BE PERMITTED on Bellows Air Force Station. There are NO exceptions to this policy.

  • DoD CAC holders MUST have a current, unexpired ID card.
  • Any authorized ID cardholder with an expired ID card MUST be accompanied by a sponsor with a valid, unexpired ID card.


Sponsoring Guests

Eligible patrons may sponsor family members and friends as their guests. Sponsors must obtain a visitor’s pass for all their overnight guests who are 16 years of age and older – military identification and/or DoD civilian identification required. Sponsors are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their dependents and sponsored guests. Authorized cardholder/sponsor must be on site AT ALL TIMES.

Sponsor may rent up to 2 cabins, condos, or campsites per sponsor ID.

Due to fire code restrictions, NO SPECIAL FUNCTION AGREEMENTS will be processed for cabins/condos.

Each CABIN/CONDO reservation allows a maximum of 6 occupants per unit from 10 pm – 8 am, and a maximum of 16 occupants per unit from 8 am – 10 pm. Each authorized DoD ID cardholder is authorized to sponsor a maximum of 10 guests.

Each FAMILY CAMPSITE reservation allows a maximum of 2 tents and a maximum of 10 occupants per site at any given time. Each authorized DoD ID cardholder is authorized to sponsor a maximum of 10 guests.

Each GROUP CAMPSITE reservation allows a maximum of 15 tents with a maximum of 75 overnight occupants per site and a maximum of 100 occupants per site from 8 am – 10 pm. Each authorized DoD ID cardholder is authorized to sponsor a maximum of 50 unauthorized guests.

Please read the eligibility requirements. By making a reservation, you verify that you are an eligible patron of Bellows Air Force Station.

Our online reservations system will not be functional until further notice. Reservations must be made by phone, and wait times are longer than expected. We are working on getting the system back up and running. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience.

Mon – Fri • 8:30 am – 6:30 pm HST excluding federal holidays
Cabin, Condo, Campsite, Conference Room reservations
(808) 259-8080