Pet-friendly Hours
Sunrise – Sunset
Dogs are permitted along the entire length of Bellows AFS beach between the jetty and past the AAFES Bellows Shoppette from Sunrise to Sunset ONLY. Be aware that there may be active turtle or shearwater bird nests in the sand or along the dunes. Please keep your pets away from these marked areas. Sea turtles and shearwater birds are endangered – help us to keep them safe!
Dogs are also permitted in other outdoor areas, including the walking path from Sunrise – Sunset ONLY.
Pet Rules
Aggressive dogs are NOT PERMITTED. An aggressive dog is one that is known to threaten people or other dogs by snarling, growling, snapping, biting, or lunging.
Dogs are NOT PERMITTED in any building, including cabins, condos, camper cabins, Turtle Cove, and AAFES, unless staying in designated pet-friendly lodging and have signed the Guest Pet Policy Agreement.
Dogs MUST NOT be left unattended at any time.
Dogs MUST be on a leash at all times. Leashes may be no longer than 8 feet long.
Dog waste MUST be picked up and disposed of in the proper trash cans. DO NOT place waste in Recycling containers.
Dogs are only permitted to dig on the beach shoreline outside of the “No Digging” area marked on the map. Holes must be covered before you leave.
Dogs are NOT PERMITTED on the beach if Sea Turtles, Monk Seals, or Sea Birds are present.
Dogs are only permitted on Bellows from Sunrise to Sunset ONLY, unless staying in designated pet-friendly lodging and have signed the Guest Pet Policy Agreement.
Service Animals allowed overnight with lawful inquiry. NOTE: Per the ADA, therapy/comfort animals are NOT CONSIDERED “service animals”. A doctor’s prescription for a therapy/comfort animal is not considered “proper documentation.” For more info, please visit https://adata.org/ publication/service-animals-booklet. https://adata.org/publication/service-animals-booklet. UNAUTHORIZED OVERNIGHT PETS/ANIMALS ARE SUBJECT TO EVICTION WITHOUT REFUND AND A $250 FEE.
Dog-friendly Cabins & Lodging Rules
During your stay, the following rules must be followed in order to accommodate you and your dog:
No aggressive dogs are permitted.
Dogs ONLY (2 pets maximum).
A $25 flat fee will be charged per week.
Owners are fully responsible for fix/replacement fees if your dog damages the facility, furniture, or fixtures and additional cleaning fees (starting at $250) if your dog defecates/urinates in the room or requires other out-of-the-ordinary cleaning.
Owners take full responsibility for the well-being and actions of their dogs and are responsible for any injury or damages caused to another dog, person, or property.
Dogs are not allowed to sit/lay directly on furniture or bedding.
Owners shall not use lodging towels or linens to bathe dogs.
If your dog continually makes excessive noise and/or disturbs other guests, you may be asked to kennel your dog off base or leave Bellows AFS without refund.
Dogs MUST be leashed at all times outside Bellows AFS rooms.
Owners are required to pick-up/clean-up their dog’s waste and dispose properly.
Dogs MUST be secured in a kennel/carrier or “Do Not Disturb” MUST be indicated when left unattended in the room to allow Lodging personnel access to the room, if necessary. THIS IS FOR THE STAFF’S SAFETY. Violation of this policy will result in guest ejection from the room without refund.
For dog safety, be aware that Camper Cabins are NOT air-conditioned with minimal ventilation.
Owners shall provide their own kennels/carriers. Kennels/carriers will not be provided by Bellows AFS.
Bellows AFS does not have the personnel to assist in the search for missing dogs.
Dogs are NOT PERMITTED in any other facility on Bellows AFS other than Service Animals. For additional information: https://www.ada.gov/topics/service-animals/
Dogs are permitted along the entire length of Bellows AFS beach between the jetty and past the AAFES Bellows Shoppette from Sunrise to Sunset ONLY.
Infraction of any rules may result in removal of you and your dog from lodging without refund.
Guests must complete and return the room condition checklist to the front desk within 2 hours of check-in. Any unidentified damages found after check-out, prior to the next check-in, will be charged to the guest.
Owners must acknowledge understanding by signing this Agreement prior to checking in. These rules will be strictly enforced. Failure to follow these guidelines could result in removal from Bellows AFS without refund.
When can dogs be off-leash?
Dogs MUST remain on a leash at all times while on Bellows AFS, unless inside pet-friendly lodging with a signed Guest Pet Policy Agreement.
Can we leave our dogs alone inside the cabin?
Yes. Dogs MUST be secured in a kennel/carrier or “Do Not Disturb” must be indicated when left unattended in the room for the safety of our staff. Violation of this policy will result in guest ejection from the room without a refund.
Can I bring my cat or other pet to Bellows AFS?
No. Only dogs are permitted to accompany you during your visit or stay on Bellows AFS. All other pets and animals are strictly prohibited.
Are emotional support animals authorized in non-dog-friendly cabins and buildings?
No. Emotional support animals may only stay in pet-friendly lodging with a signed Pet Policy Agreement and are subject to the $25/week pet fee. Per the ADA, therapy/comfort animals are NOT CONSIDERED “service animals”.
Are non-service dogs allowed in AAFES?
No. Dogs are NOT PERMITTED in any building, including cabins, condos, Turtle Cove & AAFES, except pet-friendly lodging with a signed Guest Pet Policy Agreement.
The policy states this update is temporary, what will cause it to change back?
Customers failing to follow the policy. This includes failure to clean up after their dogs, if there are too many complaints, if there is an increase of unauthorized pets found in lodging without a signed Pet Policy Agreement, or if dogs/pets are found in cabins NOT designated as pet-friendly. We will end the trial and restrict dog access again.
What can I do to help keep the new policy in place?
Be a responsible dog owner and follow the rules. Help educate other customers when possible and notify a staff member if you see a policy violation.